Prior to engaging our services please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our terms at the bottom of this page.


Mobile tax consultant


  • drivers licence and own vehicle
  • experience in all types of tax preparation including individual, small business and partnership returns
  • complete a tax preparation course annually
  • excellent people skills
  • motivated to work individually and as part of a team
  • desire to assist in the growth of the business
  • college qualified or possess 2 years or more of  tax preparation experience.


tax accountants

ABN: 82 481 249 851


Contact Information

Shop 2/81 Hibiscus Street, Greystanes, NSW, 2145
PO Box 5068, Greystanes, NSW, 2145
M:  0422 219 866     
  1. This document is prepared based on information provided by the client and no warranty to the truth and accuracy of that basic information is made.
  2. The firm Tax2go liability is limited by the IPA Scheme under the Professional Standards Act 1994 (NSW).
  3. The clients financial statements are not audited and no assurance is provided.
  4. Tax2go, Public Tax Accountant and Financial Planner is Authorised Representative No. 1239221 of InterPrac Financial Planning Pty. Ltd. (AFSL 246638). (ABN 14 076 093 680), Tel: (03) 9209 9777).
  5. For Privacy Policy and FSG.