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82 481 249 851

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Treatment of Cerebral Palsy for Jacob Gil in Europe

Help us reach our goal of raising in excess of $50,000,

for every $100 donated, Tax2go will donate an additional $1.


This cause will raise much needed funds to support Jacob Gil's cerebral palsy treatment in Europe following his untimely birth at Westmead hospital

on 24th June 2009, Jacob had suffered significant brain damage and would likely be paralysed and his quality of life will be diminished.

The medical treatments (Vojta and Bobath therapies) are fully recognised in Europe, Japan, and Canada but not in Australia. Both therapies will bring hope

to allow Jacob to be fully independent, so he will be able to have a normal life. Jacob will need to continue with his therapies for a number of years, but the first few years of Jacob’s life are crucial as to the quality of life he will continue to have in the future.

Currently there is little help from the Spastic Centre in Australia, as the above treatments are not recognised by that institution.

Our job as parents is to do the best we can for Jacob, and this is why we ask,

for your help, help us, and help Jacob. If you like to find out more about our little Angel please continue to blog....

Donations Go To....

Dominik Gil as trustees for the Jacob Gil fund

BSB: 012405

Account: 182318211

Successes & Progress....

Your donations will make a great difference to the quality of life of Jacob Gil. We would love to send you Jacob's progress from time to time please provides us with your email address here:


Your Privacy

We will not distribute or use in any other instance other than to send you a progress from time to time your email address.

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How large is the cause? 

Don't just take our word for it. St Hilliers a large construction company supports our cause to. Continue....

A word from Patricia Batynski principle Tax2go

When I heard this heart felt story I instantly wanted to be involved as it could happen to anyone and it is such a comfort to know people unite in the community and do their very best. All donations are welcome and we thank you for your support!

Thank you




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  2. Tax2go, Public Tax Accountant  (ABN 82 481 249 851). The firm Tax2go liability is limited by the IPA Scheme under the Professional Standards Act 1994 (NSW).
  3. Contact Us.